Family Fun
Enjoy a great time by the lake
Our Cottages are seconds away from the lake and beach, with a ton of scenery. The great outdoors takes you away from your everyday worries and puts you in tune with nature at its finest.

Family Fun
Enjoy the lake view and activities you can think of from fishing, boating and much much more…
The great outdoors gives your family a break from technology and every day worries to put the family closer together.

Hiking Fun
If you enjoy a good hike, there are hiking trials all around our cottages to enjoy to your fullest.
Acres of woods around you make for great hiking opportunities. The woods are full of wounderful scenery why not enjoy a jog in the woods, followed by a cool off in the lake.

Enjoy in Water
Enjoy a wounderful swim in kasshabog lake.
Kasshabog Lake receives flow from several smaller tributary lakes. The major inflow is from the North River which is part of the Crowe Lake system (see separate flow sheet). Although the lake has many islands and bays, only MacDonald (Bill’s) Bay appeared to be hydrologically separated from the main lake.
Kasshabog Lake had soft, slightly acidic water with a moderately low amount of apparent colour. The hardness, alkalinity, and conductivity levels indicated the lake was well mixed. Thermal stratification (temperature layers) were noted in almost all the bays and monitoring stations. Water clarity was moderately good throughout the lake, and the secchi disk results indicate the lake is mesotrophic, or moderately enriched.